Demo Reel & Past Works


Ronin 2 Tracking & Magnet Handoff

We start low on the feet in this eerie demo, then come up to a medium close up all before landing on an electromagnet on a hostess tray that is activated as it lands so the driver can drive away seamlessly! 

Ronin 2 Killshock Demo

This rig can be up and ready in less than 15 minutes, has some limitations for camera placement, but when speed matters this is an amazing value to time ratio! Track cars, runners, bikes, and more!

Ronin 2 Black Arm Demo

The Black Arm offers the incredible XYZ axis damping and isolation, paired with a speed rail mount (see rigging pics below) it offers fast and easy height adjustment and masterful stabilization!

G Link + R2 Camera Move

Check out how the Gimbal Link and Ronin 2 can combine forces for Steadicam like precision! Great for tracking and dynamic camera movement!

Rigging Photos

Click through to see many of the options for rigging and driving at work!

Final Projects We Helped Create